Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation

From October 2023 to June 2024

Elena Prous

Sintomatologías: Aprendizajes espásticos (Symptomatologies: Spastic Learning)

Is it possible to politicise our symptomatology? To remove the diagnosed body from the medical discourse? Is knowing our body a form of resistance? What do we, the diagnosed bodies, contribute to the social imaginary?

Spastic Learning proposes to work from the symptoms and their politicisation. Breaking down the boundaries of what falls inside or outside of functional diversity/disability, diagnosis and the pathologisation of bodies.

The project uses different educational initiatives to navigate through joint processes to construct and deconstruct the diagnosis. As the artist herself says, “living with symptoms and turning them into (un)comfortable allies with agency to change ourselves and question our society”.


Elena Prous is currently taking a master's degree in Humanities at the UOC. She graduated as an Expert in Literary Creation from the Función Lenguaje school, which is affiliated to the Camilo José Cela University, and as a Specialist in Human Rights from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She holds a diploma in Nursing from the Cuenca University School of Nursing (University of Castilla La Mancha) and began her training in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the UCM.

In addition to writing articles and giving lectures and workshops on functional diversity, Elena is involved in various discussion and political action groups on functional diversity, such as FVID, CRIANAP, SOLCOM and the 15M Functional Diversity Group.